Monday, August 20, 2007

Piscina con olas en Tokio

Cualquiera pensaría que estos japoneses no tienen salida al mar!


Camilo Lund R. said...

Ahahaha me rei con algunos comentarios:

callmepolly (5 minutes ago)
that's disgusting. it's like millions of bacteria swimming around on a petri dish

strasserk08 (1 hour ago)
forget about

stompie69 (2 hours ago)
imagine how much pee n shit is in there

phoenixgt (2 hours ago)
The people in the middle of this thing will NEVER get out of there. I think they are just starving to death as time passes and will be found in the filter.

FeñiX! said...

Ta super bueno, la cagó, en too caso los weones que tan al medio se quedaron ahí hasta que se cerró la piscina.